Some people/websites/etc. advise you to remove salt from your diet altogether, but salt is an essential mineral that our bodies need to function. Recent studies have shown that areas of the world where people consume the highest salt levels actually have longer lifespans! That being said, it's the type of salt, not the salt itself that is the problem.
According to this article from Medical News Today, there is a balance needed and they say that:
“Most Americans consume too much salt and sodium, due to a high intake of processed, restaurant, and convenience foods.”
We Americans are comfortable, easy-to-grab eaters. If it requires a lot of work, chances are we might not feel like making it. But what is this doing to our bodies? What is wrong with the salt contained in all these foods?
Normal table salt is in fact only one-third salt, the other two-thirds are made up of equal parts sand and micro-glass fragments. Here’s what Natural News Today says about it:
This may come as a shock, but table salt is comprised of sodium chloride and along with that often contaminated with sand and glass. Herein lies the problem. When you consume this lovely mixture the sand and glass are abrasive. They scratch and make small tears in your body including your veins. Your body reacts by trying to patch and heal with fats (cholesterol).
(Click here, for the full article)
Photo by Adrien Olichon from Pexels
Yes, glass fragments are added to table salt, and these fragments are the real culprits. Although you would never want to eat salt in large quantities, having a little salt would never hurt you except for the fact that table salt contains glass. These glass fragments are absorbed with salt into the bloodstream, where they proceed to create small lacerations on the inside of the veins. Cholesterol, the little repair cells, come in to fix the damage created by the glass particles. But because there is so much damage done, it takes a lot of cholesterol to fix it, resulting in high cholesterol levels, which leads to the need for cholesterol medicine.
National Geographic says that:
New research shows microplastics in 90 percent of the table salt brands sampled worldwide.
(Click here for the full article)
Though they’re unsure what this means for us yet, it might be safe to assume that since plastic contains Xenoestrogens, a form of synthetic estrogen, which alters our normal hormone balances in both men and women and can cause a cascade of health problems such as impaired thyroid and estrogen dominance, it's probably nothing good. Add this to the fact that they also mix nanoparticles of glass and sand into the salt and it’s a wonder we are all still here.
Thankfully this is a simple issue to fix by switching your salt out, which I like to call The Salt Switch. This means you use organic Himalayan pink salt instead of regular table salt. Himalayan pink salt is pure salt, it does not contain glass or sand, and since the microplastics are being found mainly in sea salt, we’re safe in that area as well.
The switch is not hard and you will find yourself using less salt because Himalayan pink salt is real salt, so you won’t need to use as much to achieve the same saltiness. It’s incredible how much flavor salt has when it’s all salt and not two-thirds glass and sand.
Are you going to make The Salt Switch?