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What's Hiding in your Laundry Detergent?

What's hiding in your laundry detergent? Have you considered that? If it's in the store and used on your clothes surely it's a safe product, right?

Recent studies are beginning to show that laundry soap contains some pretty scary chemicals. Chemicals that have been banned in other parts of the world and even some that have been banned in certain states.

Most big name laundry detergents contain many chemicals that are known carcinogens with many other side effects. For a list of 13 different chemicals found in laundry detergents. Click here.

Studies are also showing that detergent pods are more dangerous than liquid detergent. A recent study showed that 76 percent of children had poisoning symptoms after accidentally ingesting liquid pods, compared to only 27 percent with other laundry detergent formulas.

Detergent companies aren't required to list the ingredients in the fragrances that they add due to a legal loophole so not much is known about the chemicals in them or how they react with the other chemicals in the laundry soap.

Laundry soap is also linked to many skin issues and unknown allergen reactions.

So, there are many health and environmental reasons to not use laundry detergent, but what's the alternative? We need clean clothes.

We've got an easy and cost-effective laundry detergent recipe listed below. It has three ingredients so you can set your mind at ease about what's against your and your family's skin.

Here's a quick and simple recipe:

  • 1 and 1/2 cups of Baking Soda

  • 1 and 1/2 cups of Washing Soda

  • 1 cup of Salt

Shake well.

Add 2 to 4 Tablespoons to the bottom of the washer for every load.

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